growth-minded copywriters:

Deliver your copy with unshakeable confidence

Become a full-stack messaging strategist by building stronger visual observation skills. Ground your wireframes on timeless design principles. And drive your projects like a PRO, every time

Design 101 for Copywriters is *the* design fundamentals course specially created for copywriters who want to:

Deliver an outstanding and memorable service to their clients 

Learn the essential design principles  to BEST support their copy

Level up their wireframing skills and (finally!) let go of all the guesswork

If your work is tied to words and results, ignoring the role of design is kind of impossible. Question is...

How much are you willing to leave to chance when it comes to your copy?

Let me take a (very) wild guess... 

You work hard to deliver top-notch work and make your clients happy. 

You dive deep into their business psyche and uncover their brand's essence.

And you dig into their audience's dreams, pains, and those subtle shades of in-betweens...

ALL so you can deliver copy that makes a difference in your clients' lives – and the lives of the people they want to reach. 

But no matter how skilled your copy chops may be, you know that all those words you've strung together with purpose and intention...

They don't exist in a vacuum but, rather, within a design.

And if your job is to write words that sell...

Does your job really stop there?

Sure, design isn't exactly your area of expertise.

And you have no intention of switching careers, playing at being a designer, or *gasp* turning into a weaker clone of one at that.

But you also know first-hand how soul-crushing and frustrating it can be to deliver copy you've worked *SO* hard on...

Only to watch it get all messed up with a design that feels off or that doesn't support the copy. (Sometimes even with entire copy sections mysteriously gone missing!) 

And the worst part..?

Without knowing how to confidently push back when your copy needs you the most...

Or being able to come up with solid, conversion-focused design recommendations that will let the copy you've sweated over truly SHINE on the page.

So if this is where you're coming from, I'm willing to be that...

You're here because you're done.

You are DONE:

  • Watching your messaging get crushed under the weight of badly-informed design decisions that hurt your copy... but which you can't quite argue against 😢
  • Feeling like an amateur because all those wireframes you create don’t look quite how you want them to (why does this have to be SO hard?!) 😩
  • Not having the courage to stand your ground (respectfully) to a well-meaning designer... even though you know you've got a solid argument up your sleeve 😔
  • Avoiding conversations around design out of fear you might be overstepping (or *gulp* coming off as an obnoxious know-it-all) 😬 
  • Working in a silo when you want to be working with designers as a DREAM team, so you can hit ambitious KPIs and project goals faster, better, stronger 😎
  • Constantly getting locked in battle with an ugly Google Doc or struggling to make sense of Figma (while also spending hours wireframing your eyes out) 😵‍💫
  • Guessing your way to what looks good and not really knowing the difference between good and bad design (or even how design can best support your copy) 😳

Do any of the above sound familiar?

If you just caught yourself nodding along, with painful experiences taking shape right in your mind's eye... then I got great news for ya! 

Because chances are...

You're exactly where you need to be.  🎯


I'm Rali. Conversion copywriter. #EmailGeek. Legendary question-asker and deep-convos appreciator. Sometimes elegantly awkward. Obsessed with UX/UI design and extra passionate about breaking it down in a more approachable, meaningful, and practical way for other copywriters (just like you!)

My mission? 

To help you master the design fundamentals so you can step up your game, develop your eye for design, and become your clients' new, best-kept secret.

Because when you have strong visual skills, you'll be able to bring more value to your clients, communicate better with designers, OWN your process every step of the way, and drive every single project with total confidence. ✨

Why trust *me*with this design stuff?

I first heard about copywriting (ages ago!), when I was studying graphic design.

At the time, I had next to ZERO plans of ever joining a creative agency or writing fancy, sensational advertising copy.

Fast-forward a couple of years and a handful of master plans, gloriously up in flames...

Just days after getting immersed into my conversion copywriting training from the legendary duo, Joanna Wiebe and Ry Schwartz...

Wireframing quickly became my biggest secret to showing up as a pro... way before I ever felt like one. #TrueStory

Timeline sketch of my copywriting journey through time

A rough visual timeline of my non-linear path to copywriting through graphic design, linguistics, and freelance writing.

Ever since I've been bringing up design in online conversations every chance I'd get.

Why? 🤔

Because no one's really teaching us about design, how it affects our work, and how to work with designers in a more meaningful way.

And that’s exactly where all those moments of frustration emerge:

Feeling undervalued…

Discouraged by how the copy got implemented (despite the endless rounds of feedback you gave that was ignored and never implemented…)

And frustrated that, EVEN though you’ve structured your copy based on actual VOC research and a thoughtful flow, centered around those ideal readers you’re speaking to…

Copy still gets chopped off and thrown in the bin because it’s “too long” or because it “doesn’t fit the template”.

The worst part of it all, though?

This deeply cemented belief that you should “stay in your lane” and stick to your cute and clever wordsmithing.

But here’s the thing:

You’re in the business of understanding human behavior and using words to sell products, programs, and services that make a difference in someone’s life. 

So, naturally... 

It’s YOUR job to care about how the messaging is packaged up and presented.

It’s not about bloated egos or pretending to be a design expert. 

It’s about being committed to the end result.

And being involved as a strategic partner to your clients – someone who’s leading with their best interests in mind AND the best interests of the audience they want to attract.

Now, can you see why “staying in your lane” is actually doing your clients a major disservice?

And even if you've already realized this...

Find a tutorial on design on YouTube, and 99.9% of the time it’s going to be a tutorial for either aspiring designers or graphic designers looking to get into UX/UI design.

Sure, most quick-and-dirty wireframing courses can show you around Figma so you don’t have to present your copy in a Google Doc (and auto-invite everyone on the Feedback Committee to share their opinion about the words you’ve put together)... 😣

But the thing is...

All those shortcuts and tool-oriented courses are missing one KEY aspect that can change everything for you.

They won't tell you anything about:

  • the thinking process that goes into wireframing (and why it matters)...
  • the design principles you need to consider when putting together a wireframe, or 
  • how to make visual recommendations based on UX/UI design best practices...

So you can shape each interaction with strategic design decisions that support your copy and help increase its chances of converting the ideal reader (or user) you’re writing for. 🎯

This is the gap I’m trying to fill with Design 101 for Copywriters.

Design for Copywriters started with a humble, live 2-hour workshop

The workshop was just the tip of the iceberg. Packed with examples from different industries and types of copy, it was geared toward giving you a more solid understanding of why design matters – and how to start honing your (invaluable) visual skills.

After taking all my beta testers' feedback, I expanded the content, added tons of new examples and hands-on exercises to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and the ultimate design fundamentals course for copywriters was born. ✨

Here's what this lovely DFCer who'd joined the beta had to say about the experience:

As a conversion copywriter, my copy plays a psychological game.

It's all about the reader's experience and getting into their head. 

And I'll be frank - my copy is usually pretty dang long. Longer than your average web page, or whatever.

I want the copy to draw the reader's attention, make it super easy for them to mentally process info. And so the final design needs to support my copy's goals.

Rather than scare readers off with "f*kn hell this is a lot of reading" -- the design needs to make my copy look less overwhelming. It should encourage them to keep reading... without resorting to clichés like 3-column layouts, etc etc.

Problem is: design is NOT my area of expertise. This kinda feels like a bottleneck. Because the *look* of my copy can be make-or-break for my client's conversions. I've searched and searched... but haven't found a thorough design resource for conversion copywriters specifically.

I mean, shout out to Nielsen-Norman and everything, but I disagree with some of their sweeping generalisations. Particularly their (annoyingly popular) proposal that people on the web don't read - they scan. Yeah... because most content on the web is hella boring. For me, it's like:

Where is the unicorn who values the power of conversion copy AND is a trustworthy resource for design and UX?

I'm not talking about design-y copywriters who occasionallyyyy throw out a mini-course... and like a blog post 2 years later. Nah, I mean - *thee* expert who's deadass serious about this. Who's committed. Who has a powerful voice. So I think your years of expertise in this space are so well-needed right now, Rali.  

And the workshop was SO good. It definitely exceeded my expectations! I gained a deeper level of understanding for design elements. 

Not just seeing the 'look of a page' as this abstract thing - but finally realising all the different components that make up good graphic design (and that we copywriters should be aware of).

The examples were SO SO helpful.  Especially because you showed "good" and "bad" ones. Because you mix the examples with design fundamentals, as the presentation went on I could analyse the examples more critically. In fact I'd say *that's* the main thing I've walked away with: a more critical eye for design choices that work and don't work. Yay!

What I like is that you're guiding, nurturing us, to see things critically -- rather than just spoon feeding us facts. I also liked that you constantly reinforced the real purpose of design: which is to *support* the copy.

What you covered helps conversion copywriters approach wireframe decisions in a more strategic way, defend decisions better, and give more helpful feedback to designers during the creative direction stage.

…what more can I ask for? :D

You know your design (& UX) shit and you've made these teachings copywriter-friendly. You have SO much passion and enthusiasm for this topic -- it shines through. And it makes learning from you even more fun to do. 

At the same time, you're incredibly honest so I know I can trust you to get the real lowdown on this sheeeet.

Also, this has to be said: excellent use of (adorable ass) GIFs, madame.

*Feedback based on the live beta Design 101 workshop

Myra Ahmed

Conversion Copywriter & Brand Voice Strategist for B2B & SaaS


Design 101 for Copywriters

The missing manual on design BY a copywriter. FOR copywriters.

A program specifically created to help you master the basics of design.

So you can drive your copywriting projects with unshakeable confidence. Give your clients that white-glove experience. And *finally* close the gap between copy and design.

What's inside

Here's how DFC is structured

My goal with DFC is to give you the essential skills, tools, and resources you need so you can present your copy and drive your projects with unshakeable confidence – no matter what stage you are in your business.

All design principles are presented through the lens of a copywriter so that they’re relevant and applicable to your own work. 

By breaking down dozens of real-life examples together, I’ll help you develop a critical eye for design, so you can start seeing design from a different perspective. And with each accompanying workbook, you’ll also have the chance to actively work on building your visual observation and wireframing skills. 

Module 0

7 Lessons

The Unskippable Intro

Before you dive into the core content, let’s make sure that we’re both in complete alignment, and that you know exactly what to expect from DFC.

We’ll cover some of the most important decisions that went into designing and planning this course (and why it matters). 

We’ll talk about the three simple (yet critical) ways you can make the most out of DFC, and the two KEY mindset shifts you’ll want to adopt as you’re building (or growing) your copywriting business.

Module 1

7 Lessons

The Foundation

In this module, we’ll untangle a few common design terms and see what they actually mean for us, and the work we do as copywriters.

We’ll talk about one foundational principle and how to intentionally look for it in any marketing materials that come your way.

By the end of this module, you’ll have a better sense of whether the visual “packaging” supports or disrupts your messaging hierarchy, as well as how to ground your arguments in either case.

Module 2

9 Lessons

Design Principles (Part 1)

When you can tell the difference between good and poor visual contrast (and how it affects the goal of the page or email), you can make your recommendations and audits THAT much more valuable.

While wireframing is done in grayscale, contrast, color, and text are essential to any piece of copy. And by diving deeper into all the ways you can use contrast to your advantage, you'll find out how it can impact accessibility, the online reading experience, as well as any copy you review, write, and present

Module 3

10 Lessons

Design Principles (Part 2)

As we wrap up our design fundamentals,  we’ll take a look at what can instantly improve any wireframe or design, so your copy better holds your reader’s attention.

We’ll talk about seeing things in relation to each other, what to keep in mind when looking for consistency and cohesion in any design, and what to consider when it comes to lofty principles like unity.

By building on top of what we’ve covered and looking at real-life examples, you’ll be able to visually break down any marketing asset and recommend how it can be improved to better support the copy

Module 4

13 Lessons

Design Principles in Practice

With our design fundamentals covered, in this module, we’ll see how everything comes together in practice, so you can bring your copy to life for your clients.

We’ll talk about how to think about and simplify layout, how to approach content with intention for an optimal reading experience, and how to go about the wireframing process.

We’ll explore how different devices affect the way your copy appears on a page and what device limitations you should know about. Finally, we’ll also talk about what to keep in mind when it comes to images.

Module 5

2 Lessons

Beyond DFC (and Wrap-Up)

One important aspect to think about as we wrap things up is how to keep cultivating the skills you've learned, putting them into practice, and optimizing your process so you can amaze your clients every time.

So, before we part ways, let’s talk about some of the ways you can find relevant visual inspiration, and how to put it to good use for your client projects. 

We'll also briefly go over what to watch out for when it comes to trends of all kinds and how to keep developing your visual observation skills, even after DFC.

PLUS these strategic resources for your epic leveling-up journey

With *any* new skill, implementation is key. But overwhelm can be pretty big, too.

So, whether you're looking for some structure and a comfortable pace to catch up and implement what you learn, all these resources are here to help you do just that. 


Going from theory to practice

This isn't one of those courses where you watch video after video, and never put into practice what you learn. Instead, all modules are interconnected, with each gradually building on top of the previous ones.

By alternating between core modules and implementation weeks, you'll get the perfect balance between design theory and hands-on practice so all the concepts we cover *actually* stick with you.

(Plus, you can use these weeks to catch up on any of the content if you need to.)


Ever-growing Library of OTS Tutorials

Every module of DFC comes with its own Level-Up Resources that unlock just before your Implementation Week starts. So you can plan ahead and know what's coming up.

Inside, you'll find your module workbook and all Over-the-Shoulder Tutorials, where I walk you through my take on those exercises. You'll also find additional tutorials that cover handy topics around wireframing.

So, consider this your personal, ever-expanding library of resources. And it grows with each tutorial request you send my way.


Practical exercises for every module

With enough time between modules, so it doesn't feel rushed or overwhelming, the exercises you'll find in each workbook are going to challenge you to step outside your zone of comfort... 

All while helping you get used to visually (and critically!) analyzing any marketing assets that come your way, either for an audit or a project you're working on.

You'll also build your own, custom wireframing components along the way while getting more comfortable using Figma.

Self-empowerment starts with your decision to level up

Upgrade your skill set. Make this your personal year of unshakeable confidence. And become the irreplaceable full-stack messaging strategist your clients can lean on.


The perfect option if you *just* want to master the basics of design. And have no need for any extras or support. 



  • Instant access to Module #0 (intro module) and your warm-up workbook
  • Five core modules covering the design fundamentals for copywriters
  • Five implementation workbooks with module-specific exercises
  • Four Implementation Weeks to put theory into practice between modules
  • The ever-growing library of Over-the-Shoulder Tutorials to help you with implementation and Figma (value: $197)
  • Lifetime access
  • All future course updates 

*Installment plan available at checkout


Next cohort: Fall 2025

The epic option if you're going ALL in on your skill-building journey and need some extra support (AND my personal feedback!)



  • Instant access to Module #0 (intro module) and your warm-up workbook
  • Five core modules covering the design fundamentals for copywriters
  • Five implementation workbooks with module-specific exercises
  • Four Implementation Weeks to put theory into practice between modules
  • The ever-growing library of Over-the-Shoulder Tutorials to help you with implementation and Figma (value: $197)
  • Lifetime access to the DFC community and common lounge areas
  • My personal feedback on your workbook exercises
  • 12 weeks of Office Hours for extra support and to get answers to all your questions (value: $297)
  • One coaching call or wireframe review with my personalized video feedback and an annotated doc (value: $497)
  • BONUS #1: The Copywriter's Wireframing PRO Kit (value: $397)
  • BONUS #2: Creative direction masterclass (value: $249)
  • BONUS #3: The UX fundamentals masterclass (value: $297)
  • Lifetime access
  • All future course updates 

Interested in this training for your team? Get in touch.

All prices are in USD. European VAT is calculated during checkout (where applicable).


SPECIAL BONUS: The Copywriter's Wireframing PRO Kit

Creating your own custom templates based on your unique process takes time. And, the reality is, sometimes time is a luxury you may not have. This is where the brand-new Wireframing PRO Kit comes in.

It includes all the checklists, templates, and resources you need to create better, more professional-looking wireframes. So you can speed up your workflow and supercharge your wireframing process, without spending ages struggling in Figma (or any other tool of your choice!)

To see what's planned for each version of the kit, check out the FAQ section below.

My “Integrity First” Guarantee
I'm incredibly passionate about the kind of visual skills DFC can help you build.
And I’m 100% committed to seeing you soar to new heights so that, when you look back to this pivotal moment, you realize it's one of the best decisions you've made this year. 
But, just like you, I’m no stranger to risks, disappointments, and the general letdown of what so many courses can turn into.
And I’d *never* want you to experience the same with Design 101 for Copywriters.
So, take the course for a spin over the next 30 days.
If, by the end of Module #2, you don’t feel like DFC is up to snuff or that it hasn’t actually helped you build stronger visual skills you can instantly apply to your projects…
Simply email me at, and you’ll get your money back.
No questions asked. And no proof needed that you’ve “done the work”.
Simple as that.
Because integrity, to me, is everything. 

It's the foundation for any relationship of trust, just like honesty and transparency.

The workshop* was so valuable, it didn't feel like two hours at all! 

It's rare that I attend a webinar this long and don't check my phone at least once, but with the examples and exercises you used I felt really engaged.

Also, you clearly know your stuff, but you didn't come over all "I know best!", which created an environment where we could openly ask questions if we had them.

The workshop covered an aspect of copywriting that I don't see discussed often so I find it intriguing. It really made me stop and think. This may sound like a small thing, but in today's environment I feel that this is a big deal!

I often design emails for clients as well as write them, but I'm guilty of falling into autopilot and doing things as I always have. This workshop is helping me to revisit some of my design ideas.

And on the flip side, it made me reflect on my bigger projects where copy is often all that is required, and submitting the copy is the 'end' of the project. It's made me change my approach on handing over copy, doing so in a way that will lay out how I envisaged the emails whilst writing them.

Where Design 101 for Copywriters went beyond my expectations was the use of examples and exercises. I found those really valuable.

Oh, and I know it's a small thing but I really liked the emails you sent in the run up to and after the workshop. They were well written and engaging.

There was also so much attention to detail in the design of your presentation slides, which just made the whole experience feel really slick and professional (which you are obviously, but you know what I mean!! :) )

*Feedback based on the live beta Design 101 workshop

Vicky Smith

Email Strategist & Copywriter, Flic Email 


Aka the Skeptic's Corner for all those good, essential questions you need to ask before joining Design 101 for Copywriters

I have zero design knowledge. Are you sure I can learn this?


In fact, this is *exactly* why you should consider joining.

Like any other skill, design is something you learn. 

Most importantly, though, everything you’re going to learn in the course is centered around the design fundamentals that matter to you and the work you do, as a copywriter.

Through building your observation skills and analyzing visuals around you, you’re going to sharpen your eye for great design and get more comfortable with basic design concepts: talking about them, explaining them and, above all, taking note of them as you audit competitors, browse online, or engage in the usual copy swipe collection process.  (Just me? 😅)

You’ll become a lot more aware and critical of what works, what doesn’t, and how all these design principles affect the overall experience of the reader, regardless of whether it’s a page, email, blog post, keynote presentation, or virtually ANY graphic that contains words.

Remember: the goal isn’t to turn you into a designer or a magical unicorn.

Rather, it’s to help you build stronger visual skills. So you can uncover issues you’d otherwise not even notice in an audit you do for a client, your own website, or a wireframe you’re putting together.

That said, if you *are* looking to learn design with the purpose of actually offering it as a service, this isn't the right course for you. DFC is all about breaking down design for copywriters, so the default assumption is that anyone who joins has little to no design experience.


I hear you.

Between honing your copywriting chops, growing your business, and managing clients (while also trying to live a balanced life), adding one more course to your to-do list can be a massive stretch.

But here’s the thing:

Giving your clients a premium service and a white-glove experience means you’re bringing a lot more value than the average copywriter.

Which also means you can cherry-pick your projects based on what YOU value most… while charging more, working less, and doing work you truly feel proud of.

And, like any new skill, it will take some time to internalize what you learn and make it your own.

So, while I can’t offer you a magical shortcut that can level up your skills in 24 hrs or less, I can promise you that everything you'll find inside DFC is specifically geared toward bridging the gap between copy and design.

This is why I’ve intentionally structured the course in drip format to reduce the overwhelm that comes with learning something new and to create a more balanced, interconnected learning flow.

All so you have enough time to go through the materials. Put them into practice. And avoid those nasty dips in motivation (and discouraging loss of momentum) that follow after that initial sense of excitement of joining something new slowly starts to dissipate.

So, for the next 8-9 weeks, I’d suggest blocking out between 1-3.5 hours each week to watch the core module content and prep for the implementation week that follows.

During implementation weeks, this time estimate may be more (or less) for you, depending on the nature of the exercises, how much time you’re willing to dedicate doing them, and how in-the-zone you get as you (hopefully) start enjoying dipping your toes into these calm design waters.☀️

No matter how flexible or structured you prefer your learning experience to be, you’ll have lifetime access to the materials so they’re always there, waiting for you whenever you’re ready to dive in.

What if i turn into a weak copy of a designer?

This is such a great (and perfectly valid!) question.

And, I could be wrong, but it sounds like there’s a strong undercurrent of assumptions lurking somewhere in there.

One of which is that you won’t know enough to justify speaking out about something you’ve noticed (even though it could impact the success of your copy and its chances of converting).

So, repeat after me: “If the design is not serving my copy, I have every right to bring it up to my client’s attention (and/or the designer) and start a conversation around it.

Bringing up design issues doesn’t mean that you’re overstepping or that you’re a weaker version of the designer on your client’s team. It just means that you:

✨ care enough about the success of your work (AND the success of your clients)
✨ are someone who actually pays attention to detail (instead of merely claiming that you do!)
✨ get how the messaging is a HUGE part of the success recipe but ALL else needs to support it

I could go on, but the main point I’m trying to make is this:

Getting familiar with design doesn’t mean getting into fights or stepping on anyone’s toes or starting arguments just for the sake of showing off your skills (and gently massaging your ego).

It simply means that you have a better understanding of where your copy lives, the different contexts and limitations there are to consider (because they're there and are real), and how graphic elements (and the overall user experience) can affect conversion in certain cases.

Combining your knowledge of human decision-making, marketing and copywriting, and becoming more sensitive to good (and not-so-good!) design practices, will only lead you to have MORE meaningful and constructive conversations with designers and clients.

All so you can also get your point across faster.

And get everyone aligned for the success of the project.

Where will I *actually* use what I learn in the course?

If I told you anywhere and everywhere… would you believe me?

Whether you’re writing copy for:

✦ websites
✦ emails
✦ sales pages
✦ landing pages
✦ ads (and all their many limitations)
✦ blogs/content

✦ lead magnets

✦ pop-ups
✦ case studies
✦ presentations (slides)

✦ proposals and other documentation
✦ yourself and your business
✦ your clients

... Or you simply want to be able to put together some text with graphics (like a youtube thumbnail) and instantly know what’s working, what doesn’t, and HOW to easily fix it…

What you learn in DFC is a skill you can rely on for life. 

And the only reason why that's possible is because we’ll be covering the fundamentals that good design is based on. Which means timeless principles over here-today and gone-tomorrow trends.


When you already know what lies at the core of great design and you’ve internalized those timeless design principles, you’ll be able to:

✦ communicate with the design team more effectively
✦ drive your projects with greater confidence
✦ streamline the (often long and complex) feedback process

All while bringing more value to your clients. Keeping the goal of each project front and center at all times. And no longer worrying about overstepping any fragile, invisible boundaries.


Is this going to teach me how to wireframe?

Yes and no. Let me explain.

DFC isn’t a wireframing course, or a course on Figma, AdobeXD, or any of the prototyping tools out there (which is what wireframing's called in fancy design lingo).

The whole purpose of the Implementation Weeks between your core modules is to help you apply the design principles we cover through practical exercises specifically designed to:

✦ hone your observation skills
✦ get you used to visually analyzing everything you see around you
✦ break down wireframing into smaller, more manageable chunks
✦ make your experience working inside Figma more comfortable and less overwhelming
✦ help you develop your own custom library of wireframing elements to use in your next project

So, in a way, you’ll be learning to wireframe (and get better at it) indirectly, through those exercises.

In the Over-the-Shoulder tutorials of your Level-Up Resources for each module, I’ll be walking you through my version of the workbook exercises as I do them inside Figma, and sharing my thinking process behind each.

Of course, all the exercises are optional. There's zero penalty for *not* doing them.

But it's the best way to take what you learn and apply it, so it becomes almost like second nature to you. (Or third, if you feel that was a bit of a stretch.) 🤔

Will i get any wireframing templates?

The best templates are the ones you create yourself. Because, once you create them once, they become a seamless, natural part of your workflow.

This is why, throughout DFC, I encourage you to step into the discomfort with me and create your own simple (yet non-overwhelming) library of wireframing components as you’re doing the workbook exercises.

That way, you can create and set up your own templates in a way that makes sense for YOUR process, and avoid having to start from scratch every time.

But, I also realize that, when you’re short on time or you just need a quick way to put together a wireframe, a template is the fastest way to do that. Ideally, without wasting time trying to squeeze your copy into someone else’s templates (usually made for designers).

So, if that’s you, you’re going to love the Copywriter's Wireframing PRO Kit.

It will be included as a bonus with DFC Plus and DFC+ Epic (the two tiers that come with extra support and a private community -- waitlist this way). But you can also lock it in as a special, limited-time bonus with CORE before the kit launches as a standalone product.

The Wireframing PRO Kit will be released in versions and will include the following:

✦ Version 1.0 ✦
□ The handy pack of checklists for a visual tune-up when doing audits or wireframing (along with some bonus resources!)

✦ Version 2.0 ✦
□ A copywriter-friendly introduction to Figma

✦ Version 2.5 ✦
□ The Essential Starter Pack of wireframing templates for landing pages, sales pages, and emails

✦ Version 3.0 ✦
□ Wireframing masterclass

✦ Version 3.5+ ✦
□ Dark mode templates

□ Advanced wireframing templates (Pro Pack) for web and email projects

□ Standalone components you can mix and match to create your own custom wireframes

□ Advanced tutorials on creating simple (but impressive) interactive elements

This list is not exhaustive, and I will be adding to it based on any specific requests you may have so that it becomes the ultimate wireframing resource for all copywriters. Your thoughts and feedback will be critical to make this happen and to keep improving this kit with each iteration.

And, of course, you'll be getting access to all of these updates.

How do I know which tier is right for me?

CORE Plus and Core+ Epic are cohort-based and open for enrollment only a couple of times throughout the year. (NOTE: If these tiers are not available at the moment, you can get on the waitlist for either of the two right here.)

But here’s the thing:

I despise FOMO with a fervent passion. And I’ll never try to lure you into joining a higher tier with any shiny, time-limited bonuses. Or sell you on something you don’t really need.

It goes against my values and everything I believe in.

So, while the main content of the course is the same for all tiers, the only difference is in the amount of personal interaction on my end and the bonuses that come with each tier.

For all solo-leveling adventurers, who prefer doing courses on their own and don’t really need (or want!) another community or to get feedback from me, CORE is *the* best option to upgrade their skill stack and get dangerously good.

For everyone else who’s not recovering from community fatigue, the DFC community is your support system during your cohort and that safe space where you can ask anything. I’ve learned the most from other people’s questions, so never feel bad about lurking or just listening in.

The real purpose of a community, at least to me, is to lift you up, empower you, help you spark powerful ideas, and support you in every possible way by bringing meaningful conversations to life.

But even if you don’t need one more community and you’re going solo...

I’m here for you every step of the way. 😊 ✨

This is why I’ve made sure to include touchpoints inside your course dashboard, so you never feel left out. And so you can always request a tutorial on something you’re struggling with, or share your feedback so I can make DFC better for you – and for everyone else. 

What if I want to upgrade my tier?

If you'd like to upgrade from CORE to DFC Plus or Epic, just drop me a line at and I'll email you with an exclusive coupon code before I open cart for those two tiers.

Spots for DFC Plus and DFC+ Epic are limited so, that way, you'll be able to lock in your spot and only pay the difference between your tier and the current price of your preferred tier.

You can also get on the waitlist here, if you prefer the automagic route instead of email.

So what exactly do i get when I sign up today?

Here’s a recap of everything you get when you join DFC:

✨ Your must-watch introduction module (and warm-up workbook) – unlocks immediately
✨ 5 core modules and 5 workbooks packed with practical exercises
✨ 4 implementation weeks to work on each module’s workbook
✨ The ever-growing Library of OTS Tutorials
✨ Relevant handouts and links to open-access research papers tied to specific lessons

Other important things to note:
👋 Your Welcome Pack with everything you need to know about your tier will make its way to you within 24 hours of joining DFC, and will be delivered by email.

📬 Module #0 (your introduction module) will be immediately available to you after you register your account on the student platform.

📺 The course is video-based and packed with hundreds of examples. All 6 modules have been recorded in 1080p, with crisp sound, closed captions, and transcripts. (So, none of that low-Q audio and super pixelated Loom video stuff. 👎)

📗 DFC comes with 6 workbooks in total, with exercises designed to complement the training.

🤓 It also includes relevant handouts and links to research papers for a geeky deep-dive, and over-the-shoulder tutorials based on the workbook exercises, and any other requests I get in the DFC community or via the tutorial request section in the course dashboard.

⏰ All 5 core modules are going to be dripped, based on the schedule you’ll find in your Welcome pack. So don’t worry if you only see the introduction module in your course dashboard. Here's how the drip schedule works:

🔸 Module #1 unlocks one week after you join, and the Level-Up Resources for that module unlock just before your Implementation Week starts, so you can get a bit of a head start for the Implementation Week that’s to follow.

🔸 Module #2 unlocks after the Implementation Week for Module #1, and so on, until all 5 modules are unlocked. Module 1 and 5 are the only modules without an Implementation Week, even though they come with a warm-up and cool-down workbook respectively.

💎 Apart from that, you will also get all future course updates with bonuses, resources, and anything else I add to your tier. Because I truly want DFC to be a course that keeps on giving.

This is why I’m not thinking of it as a one-and-done deal but, rather, as something that will keep on growing and evolving – and hopefully make you feel all nice and warm on the inside just because you trusted me enough to join.

What if I just don’t enjoy the course?

As long as you drop me a line at within 30 days of joining any of the DFC tiers (full or payment plan), you will get a full refund.

No questions asked.

No proof of “completed work” needed.

That’s my “Integrity First” Guarantee. 

So if you find that DFC is not ticking all the boxes for you – for whatever reason – email me within that 30-day window, and I’ll hit rewind on your purchase.

📌 That said, please note that any cancellation and refund requests after those 30 days will not be accepted, as per the Terms and Conditions you will have agreed to during checkout.

I have a question that’s not answered here.

Drop me a line at and I’ll do my absolute best to help.

I loved the structure of the presentation and how everything flowed.

The thorough but simple explanation of the concepts, and the fact that you chose to start with the design concepts because they might seem obvious but they are not.

You covered everything accurately and with useful examples. (I used to write blogs for a design company so I was already familiar with the concepts and that's how I know that you presented them accurately.)

The tons of examples were super useful. How you walked us through them gave me a deeper understanding of the design concepts and the exercises prompted deep thought about the design principles.

I really enjoyed learning from you, Rali. Your presentation style and demeanor, so well spoken, paced, clear and calm.
You're an excellent designer, presenter and human :)

*Feedback based on the live beta Design 101 workshop

Wangari Peris

B2B SaaS Conversion Copywriter

You've made me look at pages differently. 

It opened my eyes a bit and triggered my curiosity. I wanted to learn more about how design can help or hinder the impact of the copy and the Design 101 workshop* definitely gave me the basics for that. 

I loved the examples you gave and especially loved the exercises where we got to flex our design-muscles, small as they currently are. ;)

It made me want to check out my inbox and swipe file, so I can flex and build those muscles more. I enjoyed the workshop, your enthusiasm and knowledge came through clearly. :)

*Feedback based on the live beta Design 101 workshop

Birgit Fleischmann

Email Strategist & Conversion Copywriter

So what happens after you join?

As soon as you join Design 101 for Copywriters, you'll get prompted to create your account on the student portal. 

  1. 1
    Within 24 hours of joining, you'll get your Welcome Pack in a separate email, with everything you need to know about the course and how to best prepare for it. 
  2. 2
    Module #0 will be (im)patiently waiting for you in your course dashboard, along with your pre-workbook for this intro module so you can dive right in.
  3. 3
    Every core module unlocks on a bi-weekly basis (based on the day you joined the course). The Level-Up Resources and Workbook for each module unlock just before your implementation week starts, so you can plan for it in advance. 
  4. 4
    Need help or support? If you run into any issues along the way, you can always reach me via the email link inside your DFC course dashboard.

I recently completed my first homepage project and I wished I could have had more input on the design front. 

If I had better knowledge, I would feel much more confident (and indispensable to the client!) if I could offer advice in the area, too.

I feel like the workshop* has given me a solid, all-round introduction to the basics of design for copywriters.

It met my expectations very well. I can’t think of anything that wasn’t covered to be honest.

*Feedback based on the live beta Design 101 workshop

Rosie Lacks

Conversion Copywriter

I need to watch this workshop more than once. 

There's SO MUCH great content to think about and absorb.

I love how you walked us through all the examples - super helpful. You know what you're talking about, and I learned a lot.

I am starting to understand what is wrong with the visual layout of my website (which is good), but I don't really know how to fix it. I will watch this again as I rework my website design to see if I can get it to look more pleasing to the eye. I think reworking the white space, image sizing, and visual contrast will make a big difference to start.

Thanks so much for letting me test your workshop!

*Feedback based on the live beta Design 101 workshop

Marina Gabor

Email Strategist & Conversion Copywriter 

Looking for a sign that this *is* the right move for your business?

If that's the case, this is it.

If a 2-hour live workshop managed to lead these copywriting pros to some major shifts in how they saw that complex, powerful relationship between copy AND design...

Imagine where 8.5 weeks of unpacking and practicing these design concepts could lead you and your business. 🤔 

✨ A magical sense of confidence? You got it.

🎯 A brand new skill you *finally* proved to yourself you could build? #VALIDATED 

🌍 A world-view completely changed for the better? It's the only natural outcome. 

Join Design 101 for Copywriters today and...

Build a skill that can completely help transform how you see yourself as a copywriter. 

How your clients see you.

And how *you* feel about the work that you do.

But here's the thing:

As much as I'd like to flaunt a tangible ROI to justify this investment in yourself that you're considering, gaining and building confidence is priceless. 

And learning any skill that can take you to that next level is only worth it if you allow it.

So if this *is* the perfect time for you and you're ready to join me on this journey, your Welcome email all set and ready to go.

And your cozy course dashboard will be waiting for you to make the most out of all the resources you'll be unlocking over the next 8-9 weeks. ✨

But if now is not the right time for you, please know there isn't a reserved fence for you to sit on or any fake FOMOs coming at you. Ever.

Whenever you're ready, DFC will always be here for you. 

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